Apple Executives Discuss iOS 18 and Apple Intelligence After WWDC 2024

TapTechNews June 15th news, after the WWDC 2024 Global Developers Conference, Apple also held its annual TheTalkShowLive interview event, and Apple executives including Craig Federighi, Greg Joswiak, and John Giannandrea were interviewed in a series, discussing issues such as iOS 18 and Apple Intelligence.

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Craig Federighi's current position is Senior Vice President of Software Engineering at Apple, overseeing iOS software and macOS software.

Regarding the statement that Apple lags behind in the field of AI by the outside world, Federighi shrugged it off and pointed out that Apple had already started launching Macs with neural engines as early as 2020, and slightly differently from its peers, Apple did not label it as AIPC.

TapTechNews translated Craig Federighi's reply content as follows:

Now the interesting point of the concept of AIPC is that, it's just like the neural engine just came out this year.

We have been involved in the field of neural engines for a long time, have been launched in mobile phones for many years, and introduced it into Mac devices with the launch of the M1 chip in 2020, and all subsequent Macs released support the neural engine.

I think we just missed the opportunity to name it AIPC, but we've been making excellent AIPC. In my personal opinion, the name of AIPC is not important, what's important is what experience AIPC brings you, and the experience of Mac won't disappoint you.

Federighi and Joswiak also talked about the suggestion that iPads should be able to dual-boot iPadOS and macOS. Federighi said: We're not trying to build a Windows 8 PC or something.

Federighi said:

I love my iPad. I spend probably at least as much time doing all kinds of things on my iPad as I do on my Mac, or even more. I also love my Mac. I don't want them to become the same device.

When you use the iPad Pro right now, it's the best iPad experience you can imagine, which is of great value to many people. I mean, that's a great experience.

We want to continue to make the iPad the best iPad. We're not trying to build a Windows 8 PC or something.
