Apple Files Motion to Dismiss Antitrust Lawsuit against It

TapTechNews August 2nd news, Apple filed a motion with the US Department of Justice yesterday (August 1st) requesting to dismiss the antitrust lawsuit.

In the motion to dismiss, Apple believes that the US authorities do not have sufficient evidence to prove that Apple has anti-competitive behavior or has implemented anti-competitive effects that have damaged consumers' interests, nor has it been proved that Apple is a monopolist in the US smartphone market.

Apple stated in the lawsuit:

iMessage is an exclusive and innovative messaging service of Apple, and the purpose of Apple in creating this service is to make the iPhone stand out in the competition.

According to the government's point of view, if companies like Apple do not spend resources, costs, and time to develop exclusive product and service versions for competitors' devices, they should bear antitrust responsibility.

TapTechNews quoted the relevant content of Apple's motion. The Department of Justice's complaint does not explain how the so-called restrictions on super apps, cloud streaming media applications, digital wallets, messaging applications, and competitive smart watches by Apple have damaged consumers' interests or affected consumers' choice of which smartphone to buy.

The government claims that it is难以置信 that Apple's policies in super apps, cloud gaming, smart watches, or other aspects have hindered any customers from turning to Google or Samsung.

On the contrary, a more plausible statement is that users dissatisfied with Apple's reasonable third-party access policies can and do switch to competitors' devices because competitors' devices do not have these restrictions.

Apple's market share in the US smartphone market is not enough for the government to easily establish a monopoly position. The Department of Justice once compared Apple to Microsoft, but Microsoft's operating system market share was 95% when facing an antitrust lawsuit, while Apple is close to 65%.
