Apple Executives iPad and MacBook are Complementary, Not Competitive

TapTechNews May 14 news, Apple executives recently said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that iPad and MacBook are not competitive products, but two complementary products.

The Wall Street Journal reporter Joanna Stern compared the new iPad Pro to the MacBook and quoted consumer opinions on these two products, asking Apple's Vice President responsible for iPad and Mac marketing, Tom Boger.

Boger believes that iPad Pro and Mac are devices that can be used simultaneously. TapTechNews translates his viewpoint as follows:

We do not think they are competitive devices, but complementary.

iPad is a touch-first device, while Mac is designed for indirect manipulation with a mouse or keyboard, a point Apple has repeatedly emphasized over the years.

When asked about the possibility of running Mac applications on iPad or Mac with a touchscreen in the future, Boger said:

macOS is for completely different computing modes. Boger said that many Apple users own both devices and use the iPad to extend the Mac's work through Continuity.

When asked if Apple will change its views on touch-screen Macs, he said: Oh, I can't say we will never change our minds.
