RedFall Gets 'Final Update' with Offline Mode and More

TapTechNews May 31st, according to the official account of B company's X platform, the 'final update' of 'RedFall' has been launched on PC/Xbox. It mainly adds the 'offline game' function, the function of pausing the game in single-player mode, more BOSS lairs, and also adds a reputation bar named 'Community Standing'. Players can upgrade their levels by completing safehouse tasks, rescuing civilians, and killing underground BOSSes, and these tasks will unlock up to 39 permanent Buffs.

 RedFall Gets 'Final Update' with Offline Mode and More_0

According to TapTechNews' previous report, 'RedFall' is created by ArkaneStudios, a developer under B company, and is a 'blockbuster game' of Microsoft's Xbox, but this game had a poor debut and became the company's worst-received game ever.

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On May 7th, Microsoft decided to close the game's developer ArkaneStudios. Matt Booty, the head of XboxGameStudios, claimed that this was due to 'esource reorganization considerations'. At the same time, the official also stated that they will release the final patch No. 4 for the game, and the biggest highlight is to add the offline mode that players expect. And the game server 'will remain online for players to continue playing'.

As of the TapTechNews dispatch, the game currently has a 34.68% positive rate on the Steam platform, which is'mostly negative'. Players' negative reviews mainly focus on the game's abandonment of support, lack of gameplay, high digital version pricing, 'censored' cutscenes, and many bugs.

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Related readings:

'B company's vice president: will not abandon the game due to early losses, and is now continuously improving the experience of 'RedFall''  
