Samsung to Launch New Galaxy Watch with Advanced Features

TapTechNews July 9th news, Samsung has finalized to hold the GalaxyUnpacked event in Paris, France on July 10th. In addition to releasing two foldable screen phones, Galaxy ZFold6 and Galaxy ZFlip6, it will also launch Galaxy Watch7 and Galaxy WatchUltra smart watches.

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Improved sensor

Yesterday (July 8th), Samsung officially released a blog post stating that Galaxy Watch7 and Galaxy WatchUltra will be equipped with a new generation of BioActive sensor, which has improved the overall design and optimized the sensor position to measure various physiological signs of the wearer more accurately. In addition to the red and green LED lights, several more color LED lights have been added.

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Samsung said that the new BioActive sensor has enhanced the performance of the existing photodiodes, and more sensors have been installed on the chip, reducing the number of photodiodes required to track the light reflected accurately to the bottom of the watch by half.

Most fitness trackers and smart watches use optical heart rate sensors to measure heart rate. These sensors shine light (usually green) on your skin, and the light-receiving photodiodes measure the degree of light reflected back and convert the record into a heart rate estimate. The improved LED array helps to improve the accuracy of heart rate measurement.

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The red light spreads best in the skin, but other light sources will interfere with the signal, making it difficult to separate the heart rate measurement value. Adding several colors of LEDs including red light may allow Samsung to integrate the readings and thus improve the accuracy of the watch.

New functions such as AGEs index added

Samsung also pointed out that one of the first new functions of the improved BioActive sensor will be Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) index, which is a metabolic health and biological aging indicator greatly affected by the overall lifestyle and eating habits.

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TapTechNews note: Glycation end products are irreversible substances produced by the mutual polymerization of sugar and protein after a series of reactions. It will also change and affect the normal function of proteins, connect with other proteins into macromolecules, and reduce the chance of proteins being metabolized; AGE will also cause the DNA to shift, causing DNA damage and affecting the normal function of DNA.

Samsung said that adding the AGEs index is just one of the many advanced new functions of the new Galaxy Watch, but it needs to wait for the approval of the regulatory authorities, and the official launch may take some time.

Samsung pointed out that the main purpose of this redesign is to achieve more accurate health insights, but did not specify specifically.
