Ministry of Public Security Updates on Telecom Fraud Crackdown in China

TapTechNews May 27th, according to CCTV News, the Ministry of Public Security held a special press conference in Beijing today to inform the relevant situation of the development and benefiting people's livelihood of the national public security organs.

Li Guozhong, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Public Security, introduced that in the past five years, the national public security organs have cracked 1.945 million cases of telecommunications and online fraud crimes, and the monthly number of filings in the country has decreased for eight consecutive months, and the amount of money lost due to fraud has decreased by nearly 30%.

The Ministry of Public Security has continuously deployed special actions such as Cloud Sword, Breaking Cards, Breaking Flow and Pulling Out Nails, and has severely cracked down on overseas fraud groups and domestic criminal gangs involved in promoting drainage, transferring money for laundering, technology development, and organizing illegal immigration, etc. A total of 82,000 criminal suspects have been arrested, including 426 key members behind the scenes of the fraud group financial backers.

Since September 2023, the monthly number of filings in the country has decreased for eight consecutive months. Relying on the international law enforcement cooperation mechanism, the Ministry of Public Security has successively sent several working groups to relevant countries in Southeast Asia and demolished 37 overseas fraud dens.

The public security organs have continuously promoted the work of early warning and persuasion and technical countermeasures. Since 2021, the National Anti-Fraud Center has issued a total of 660 million instructions. The public security organs have cumulatively met and persuaded 18.44 million people face to face, and intercepted 6.99 billion fraudulent calls and 6.84 billion text messages in cooperation with relevant departments, and disposed of 18 million domain names and website addresses involved in the case, and urgently intercepted 1.1 trillion yuan of funds involved in the case.

According to the news quoted by TapTechNews on January 30th from the notice of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the Burmese police legally handed over 6 important leaders of the Bai Suocheng, Bai Yingcang, Wei Huairen, Liu Zhengxiang, Liu Zhengmao, and Xu Laofa, the important leaders of the果敢 telecommunications fraud crime group in northern Myanmar, and 4 other major criminal suspects to our country's public security organs, and the leaders of the four major families in northern Myanmar were arrested.

Li Guozhong, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Public Security, said that since July 2023, the special work of cracking down on crimes involving me in northern Myanmar has achieved significant results. 49,000 telecommunications fraud criminal suspects have been transferred to our side, and the notorious four major families criminal group in 果敢, northern Myanmar, has been devastated.
