#telecom fraud#

Chinese Police Crack Down on Cross-Border Telecom Fraud

The Ministry of Public Security catches 19 Chinese criminal suspects in Vietnam. More on cross-border telecom fraud crackdown in China.

New Type of Telecom Fraud Targets Shared Power Banks

Criminals use text messages about unreturned power banks to defraud. Learn how Aunt Liu avoided a $45,000 loss.

Ministry of Public Security Updates on Telecom Fraud Crackdown in China

The Ministry of Public Security reports on efforts to combat telecom fraud, including cases cracked, arrests made, and international cooperation. Less than 150 characters.

Telecom Fraud Alert Beware of Fraudulent 'Broadband Maintenance' Services in Beijing

A recent telecom fraud scheme involving the installation of VOIP devices under the guise of broadband maintenance in Beijing has been exposed. Residents are advised to be cautious of suspicious 'black box' installations in their homes.