qdc Launches Free Headphone Identification Service

TapTechNews June 19th news, qdc launched a free identification service for its brand headphones today, supporting both new and used products for identification. Users need to mail the headphones to be identified to the qdc headquarters, and after the identification is completed, the official can issue a written identification report.

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According to the introduction, the qdc headphone authenticity identification service provides two types: new and used. Users can go to the qdc official public account for authenticity identification. TapTechNews attaches the identification process as follows:

New qdc headphones

Click on the bottom menu bar of the qdc headphone public account → Member Center → Authenticity Query;

Enter the 16-digit anti-counterfeiting code and the corresponding graphic identification code to query the authenticity (the anti-counterfeiting code is on the headphone packaging).

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Used qdc headphones

Online photo identification

Users need to take pictures of the front, back and side of the headphone respectively, and send the photos to the after-sales customer service. The engineer will judge from multiple angles whether the headphone is genuine.

Offline mailing identification

If users need to further identify the authenticity of the headphone, they must mail the headphone to the qdc headquarters, and the physical identification shall prevail, and the official can issue a written identification report.

qdc officially stated that the identification service does not charge any fee, but the round-trip postage for the offline mailing identification needs to be borne by the users themselves.

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