Google Adds New Features to YouTube Premium, Announces Future Plans

TapTechNews June 28th news, Google announced in its YouTube help community to offer the following new features to Premium subscribers:

 Google Adds New Features to YouTube Premium, Announces Future Plans_0

Jump to the exciting part: When double-clicking to skip, click jump ahead and use AI to predict what the user wants to watch and jump to the best part of the video (currently only supported on Android devices and will soon support iOS).

YouTubeShorts supports the picture-in-picture function

Smart download of YouTubeShorts: Automatically download a batch of Shorts videos to the phone for offline viewing (experimental function)

Conversational AI: AI answers questions and recommends relevant content (experimental function)

A new viewing page layout (experimental function)

Google also stated that it will provide more YouTubePremium plans for selection.

We’re committed to bringing members more plan options by expanding our existing offers to more regions, while also introducing new plans and exploring ways for you to share your benefits with friends in the future!

TapTechNews found through inquiries that currently there are several options available for YouTubePremium subscription:

Personal plan $13.99 per month (about 102 yuan currently)/$139.99 per year (about 1020 yuan currently)

Family plan $22.99 per month (about 167 yuan currently)

Student plan $7.99 per month (about 58 yuan currently)
