OpenAI Restarts Its Robot Team

TapTechNews May 31 - According to Forbes, with the increasing investment in artificial intelligence robots, OpenAI officially restarts its previously abandoned robot team, and OpenAI later confirmed this news .

When OpenAI was initially established, robot technology was one of its main focuses. The team led by co-founder Wojciech Zaremba initially attempted to build a 'generic robot'.

In 2019, more than ten OpenAI researchers jointly published a paper describing how they trained a neural network to restore a Rubik's Cube with a single robotic hand and claimed that this was a fundamental step towards training robotic systems to perform various daily tasks. But in October 2020, OpenAI gave up on this effort, and Zaremba attributed it to the lack of training data.

Over the past year, OpenAI's internal startup fund has invested in several companies that are attempting to develop humanoid robots, including FigureAI, 1XTechnologies, and PhysicalIntelligence.

According to a previous TapTechNews report, FigureAI released a video in March this year, and its robot demonstrated basic language and reasoning skills supported by a large multimodal model trained by OpenAI.

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OpenAI intends to partner with these companies rather than compete with them. The company is currently recruiting research engineers to rebuild the team. The recruitment information shows that the hired engineers will be responsible for cooperating with 'external partners' and training AI models.
