Zhejiang Police Cracked Down on E-commerce Moutai Snapping Up Software Case

TapTechNews June 28th news, according to the Cyberspace Administration of Public Security Department. Recently, the Yunhe County Public Security Bureau in Lishui, Zhejiang disclosed a case of illegally using software to snap up Moutai Feitian on the e-commerce platform, involving over 300,000 user data of the e-commerce platform and the involved funds flowing up to over 60 million yuan.

Zhejiang Police Cracked Down on E-commerce Moutai Snapping Up Software Case_0

In December 2023, the Cyberspace Security Brigade of Yunhe County Public Security Bureau received a report from Ms. Wu in the jurisdiction, alleging that someone seemed to use external software to help people snap up Moutai on the e-commerce platform for a fee. After accepting the case, Yunhe Public Security immediately organized police forces to conduct an investigation.

After preliminary investigation, the police found that there were illegal elements using external software to snap up Moutai Feitian on some e-commerce platforms. The low-price offers for the general consumers of the merchants were concentrated in the hands of a few people, thus seriously disrupting the fair trading order of the e-commerce platform.

After more than 3 months of meticulous investigation and analysis and judgment, the police locked onto 5 criminal gangs with clear division of labor and distinct hierarchies. Later, they successively went to Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shaanxi and other places to carry out a unified network-closing operation. With the cooperation of the local police, successfully destroyed 5 criminal gangs and arrested 14 criminal suspects, seized 5 rooms involved in cases, and the involved funds flowed up to over 60 million yuan.

It is understood that the criminal suspects, such as Guo and Liu, in 2021, for the purpose of illegal profit, developed a snapping up software, using the pretext of snapping up the Moutai Feitian on the e-commerce platform at the original price for a fee, and collected a large number of user account information of the e-commerce platform through the lower-level agents such as Zhang and Li.

Guo and others logged in accounts in batches through the external software to snap up. After successfully snapping up Moutai for the users, the agents collected the snapping up fee from the users and submitted it hierarchically to the hands of the software developers Guo and Liu. Among the 5 criminal gangs in this case, the division of labor is clear. Up to now, they have snapped up over 30,000 bottles of Moutai Feitian for users and illegally gained over 20 million yuan.

TapTechNews learned from the official announcement that currently 14 criminal suspects have been transferred to the Yunhe County People's Procuratorate for prosecution on suspicion of providing programs and tools for invading and illegally controlling computer information systems.
