Boeing 777-9's Certification Flight Test and Its Features

TapTechNews July 13th news, a Boeing spokesperson said that it has begun the certification flight test of the 777-9 aircraft with officials from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), marking a certification milestone of this aircraft.

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Aviation data shows that FAA personnel have boarded WH003/N779XY to collect the flight test data required by the Boeing 777-9.

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The aviation news service agency 'The AirCurrent' reported that this test flight represents an important certification milestone - 'Type Inspection Authorization'. This means that certain design aspects of the aircraft have been fully prepared for government assessment to ensure that the aircraft complies with regulatory standards.

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The Boeing 777-9 wide-body jet aircraft started its research and development in 2013 and is the largest and most efficient twin-engine aircraft in the world, and its fuel consumption, emissions and operating costs will all be reduced by 10% compared to competing models.

Boeing's official website shows that the list price of the 777-9 is up to 442.2 million US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 3.214 billion RMB yuan), equipped with the GE9X engine, 76.72 meters long, can provide 426 seats, and the range is up to 13,500 kilometers.

The chairman of Boeing's largest customer, Emirates Airlines, said in May this year that it is expected that the model will complete certification as soon as the first quarter of 2025.
