Tencent Announces Special Governance on Improper Marketing Behavior of 'Quick Passage of Funds'

TapTechNews on August 6th, Tencent released a special governance announcement on illegal behavior of 【Quick Passage of Funds】 on August 2nd. Recently, the platform found in the review that: Some video account showcase merchants and video account showcase talents use the way of quick passage of funds for improper marketing, affecting users' viewing and purchasing experience, and seriously disrupting and undermining the fair competition, equal trading, and healthy and stable market order.

To enhance the user experience and optimize the带货 environment, from now on, the platform will increase the investigation efforts on the illegal behavior of quick passage of funds, and video account showcase merchants and video account showcase talents need to conduct self-inspection on relevant issues, stop using improper marketing means for interactive drainage and disrupting the platform order to avoid unnecessary losses. For such behaviors, The platform will take penalty measures such as warning, prohibiting live streaming, and sealing the showcase function against the illegal entities according to relevant rules.

TapTechNews learned from the announcement that quick passage of funds refers to that in the live streaming process of video account showcase talents, they continuously and uninterruptedly display multiple products quickly, and do not explain the products or only provide very little product information (such as only describing the product name or price, etc.), resulting in users not being able to obtain sufficient product information and affecting users' viewing and purchasing experience.

The official request of Tencent is that merchants and talents should comprehensively and detailedly display product information to users when explaining products, ensure that there is no false information and improper marketing behavior in the explanation content, attract users with the product advantages and advantages as the selling points, interact and respond to users' questions in time, help users understand the product information completely and clearly, help users choose products, and avoid unnecessary after-sales disputes to ensure a good user experience.

In response to illegal behaviors, the platform will take measures such as sealing the video account showcase function and suspending the use of live streaming ability against video account showcase merchants and video account showcase talents according to the relevant provisions in the platform rules. For video account showcase merchants and video account showcase talents with serious circumstances and multiple violations, Tencent will take measures such as permanently sealing the video account showcase function and permanently sealing the video account live streaming ability.

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