Tencent's TransAgents Revolutionizing Literary Translation with a Multi-Agent Framework

TapTechNews July 4th news, Tencent's AI lab has launched the translation multi-agent framework TransAgents, specifically for the translation of extremely long literary content, providing translations in various languages such as Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, etc.

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TapTechNews attaches the TransAgents address (requires ChatGPTAPI): http://www.transagents.ai/

Paper address: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.11804

TransAgents is a virtual translation agency, imitating the traditional translation and publishing process in human society, including roles such as senior editors, junior editors, translators, proofreaders, etc., and each role has its own unique responsibilities and tasks.

Each role has detailed personal information covering language skills, educational background, work experience, etc., as if each role were a real person, and they use their professional knowledge and experience to jointly complete the translation of a literary work.

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The cost of using TransAgents for literary translation is only 1/80 of that of professional human translators. Users can set the number of employees in the translation agency and also set the maximum number of conversation rounds and the maximum number of retries.

In actual evaluations, both human evaluators and advanced language models (such as GPT-4) are more inclined to choose the translation results of TransAgents. In cases where domain-specific knowledge is required, such as historical background and cultural details, TransAgents' performance even surpasses that of human translation.
