Canon EOS R1 Camera News New Spy Photos and Parameters

TapTechNews May 27th news, foreign media camerawerk today exposed more spy photos of the Canon new flagship EOS R1 camera and announced more parameter information of the machine at the same time. TapTechNews sorts out the camera features and spy photos as follows:

24MP sensor

Expected to cost $6499 (TapTechNews note: currently about 47183 RMB).

Supports QPAF full-pixel four-core autofocus and is equipped with the second-generation eye-control AF technology.

The fuselage is ergonomically designed and relatively larger than the previous Canon EOS R3.

Uses a larger OLED rear screen than previous cameras and has a color shoulder screen.

The EVF resolution is the highest so far for Canon and may have a 'uper high refresh rate'.

Has dual CFexpress Type B card slots and is equipped with a full-size HDMI interface.

The video function and firmware will be developed by the CinemaEOS team.

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According to TapTechNews' report on May 15th, Canon previously officially announced that the EOS R1 flagship camera will be released within 2024 and is for professional user groups. The machine uses a newly developed DIGIC Accelerator accelerator processor, combined with the existing DIGIC X digital image processor and the newly developed CMOS image sensor, claiming a significant improvement in autofocus and other aspects.

However, previous news all said that the Canon EOS R1 will be equipped with a 45MP sensor, while this foreign media report says that the machine uses a 24MP sensor, so there are some doubts and it still needs to be based on the actual official announcement information in the future.

Related reading:

Canon EOS R1 flagship camera real machine spy photos exposed: with 85mm F1.2 lens,有望年内发布
