Nezha Automobile CEO Announces Delivery Delay and Solutions

TapTechNews May 27th news, Zhang Yong, the CEO of Nezha Automobile, announced in a video a while ago that due to the fact that the proportion of the red-clothed version has exceeded 95% since the vehicle was launched, the production and supply system is facing tremendous pressure and the delivery has been delayed. He expresses his apologies here.

Subsequently, Zhang Yong presented the corresponding solutions of Nezha:

First, from the date of placing the order, if the vehicle is not delivered after more than 30 days, we will compensate you with 50 US dollars per day for travel expenses, with a cap of 3,000 US dollars. The compensation policy will be released on the App later. Second, due to the limited production capacity of Michelin tires for the red-clothed version, we are opening additional molds. In order to allow users to use the car earlier, we will first use domestic tires as a substitute and promise to replace them with Michelin tires for free within half a year. The delivered domestic tires will be given to users as a gift.

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According to TapTechNews' previous report, Nezha L is built on the Shan Hai 2.0 platform. Among them, the extended-range version of the model has been launched and started delivery on May 10th, with a price range of 129,900 - 159,900 yuan. (about 18,500 - 22,500 US dollars)

220 Quick Charge version: 129,900 yuan (to be launched in August)

310 Quick Charge version: 136,900 yuan

310 Quick Charge PRO version: 149,900 yuan

310 Quick Charge red-clothed version: 159,900 yuan

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The pure electric version of the model just started pre-sale yesterday (May 26th). The pre-sale price starts from 140,000 yuan (about 19,500 US dollars) and provides three configurations: 510 Quick Charge version, 510 Quick Charge PRO version, and 510 Quick Charge red-clothed version. The car will be launched in late June, and the official price will be announced then, and batch delivery will start in July.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Yong once made a deep bow at the first batch delivery site of Nezha L and expressed his gratitude to the car owners and opened the car door for each owner.

Related reading:

Nezha L goes on the market: Claimed as the fastest charging extended-range model, starting from 129,900 yuan

Nezha L pure electric version starts pre-sale: 140,000 yuan / 510 kilometers range / to be launched in late June, the refrigerator can freeze ice cream
