Apple Withdraws Lawsuit Against NSO Group for Spyware

TapTechNews September 14th news, The Washington Post yesterday (September 13th) posted a blog post, reporting that Apple has submitted a motion to dismiss to the court and will no longer sue the spyware producer NSO Group.

TapTechNews citing sources reported that Apple filed a class action lawsuit against NSO Group in 2021, believing that NSO developed and sold spyware such as Pegasus, which was used to attack and infiltrate the iPhones of journalists and activists.

Apple withdrew the relevant lawsuit after 3 years, believing that this move might cause more harm than benefit to iOS security. Apple's consideration might be that the information disclosed for the lawsuit might cause greater harm to its security.

The submitted motion to dismiss file pointed out that on the one hand, Apple could not guarantee to obtain the key evidence of NSO Group's Pegasus software, and on the other hand, its own disclosure behavior might inadvertently help NSO and other competing spyware manufacturers, thereby enabling them to develop new spy tools that break through Apple's security.

Apple Withdraws Lawsuit Against NSO Group for Spyware_0

Related readings:

Apple Thwarts NSO's Attempt to Move Lawsuit Back to Israel and Successfully Blocks It

After Two Years of Dodging and Delaying, NSO Group Is Ordered to Respond to Apple Lawsuit in the US

Google Researchers Reveal NSO Company's Apple iPhone 'Zero-Click' Attack: 'Incredible and Scary'

Apple Sues Israeli Cybersecurity Company NSO: Using Spyware to Monitor US Users
