Square Enix Changes Stance on Using AI in the Creative Field

TapTechNews June 24, according to sources, Takashi Kiryu, the CEO of Square Enix, the developer of the Final Fantasy series, stated at the recent shareholders' meeting that the company's stance on the use of generative AI technology in the creative field has changed. It will no longer adopt it as aggressively as at the beginning of the year, but take a more cautious and detailed assessment approach.

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Although generative AI can improve work efficiency, its application in fields such as artistic creation has also sparked many controversies. Artists and writers are worried that such technologies will cause them to lose their jobs, and the works generated by AI are often criticized as soulless and there are also grey areas in copyright.

When asked about how Square Enix views AI technology and concerns about intellectual property infringement, Takashi Kiryu acknowledged that this technology has great potential, but there are also many risks. Therefore, the company will introduce new processes, and only AI tools that have passed strict review can be used internally. He emphasized that Square Enix will still actively use AI technology in non-creative fields, mainly aiming to improve the efficiency of daily operations.

Regarding the reason for the company's change in attitude towards AI, Takashi Kiryu said that he realized that the use of AI technology in the creative field is a very delicate issue, and the company will also closely follow public opinion in the future. Although this is not a statement that Square Enix completely gives up using AI, it is undoubtedly a significant change compared to the aggressive embrace of AI's attitude at the beginning of the year.

TapTechNews noted that a game named Foamstars launched by Square Enix earlier this year received negative reviews from players and unsatisfactory sales due to the use of generative AI technology. And this announcement of adjusting the AI usage strategy may also be related to the company's previous policy adjustments and player feedback.
