Mozilla to Introduce AI Chatbot in Firefox Sidebar

TapTechNews June 26th, Microsoft provides Copilot in the sidebar of the Edge browser, and Google introduces Gemini in the sidebar of the Chrome browser, while Mozilla also plans to introduce an AI chatbot in the sidebar of the Firefox browser.

Since this week, users can download the latest Firefox browser version in the Nightly channel, and the AI chatbot can be enabled in the sidebar.

Users need to first open the settings, select NightlyExperiments on the left sidebar, and then tick the Integrated AI Chatbot checkbox on the right, after which users can choose the chatbot they want to use in the Firefox browser, with options including Google Gemini, ChatGPT, HuggingChat, and LeChatMistral. TapTechNews attach the following picture:

Mozilla to Introduce AI Chatbot in Firefox Sidebar_0

After the user specifies an AI chatbot, they can call the AI in the sidebar to summarize the current page information, simplify the text language, and other operations.

Mozilla to Introduce AI Chatbot in Firefox Sidebar_1

Mozilla stated in a blog post that some AI models are better at specific fields, so users can choose the most suitable AI model according to their own needs to complete different tasks.
