Important Research Progress in the Integration of Transportation Infrastructure and Renewable Energy

TapTechNews August 6th news, the integration of transportation and energy is a new round of focus in the 'technological game' in the transportation field among various countries after high-speed railways, new energy vehicles, and power batteries.

According to the news from Beihang University (BUAA) today, the team of Professor Ma Xiaolei from the School of Transportation Science and Engineering of BUAA, together with scholars from Germany, Sweden, and the United States, has made important research progress in the field of the integration of transportation infrastructure and renewable energy, and was published online in Nature Energy.

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The research firstly proposed a multi-source big data-driven integration framework of public transportation infrastructure and distributed photovoltaic for the whole urban spatial scale, and relying on the existing public transportation stations to deploy distributed photovoltaic power generation and energy storage facilities, transforming the traditional public transportation stations into sustainable, profitable, and grid-friendly distributed energy hub centers.

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BUAA doctoral student Liu Xiaohan is the first author, and BUAA professor Ma Xiaolei is the corresponding author. The School of Transportation Science and Engineering of BUAA and the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Transportation Technology and Systems of the Ministry of Education are the only corresponding author units.

The research took Beijing as a research case, collected high-precision trajectory data of more than 20,000 public transportation vehicles in Beijing, information data of all public transportation vehicle types, solar irradiance and weather data for 24 hours every day throughout the year, and vector data of public transportation station buildings, etc., and explored the economic benefits, environmental benefits, and impacts on the power grid of the energy hub centers of public transportation stations under the vision of net zero emissions and different photovoltaic subsidy policies in the next 25 years.

Research results show that the deployment of distributed photovoltaic power generation facilities alone can make the charging net load of electric public transportation decrease by an average of 23% and the charging net load at peak hours decrease by 8.6%. Combined with energy storage facilities, the two load indicators can be further reduced by 28% and 37%.

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Under the condition of no photovoltaic subsidy policies, the deployment of distributed photovoltaic power generation facilities can generate a net profit of 64% based on cost investment, and the net profit will be reduced to 31% of the cost investment when combined with energy storage facilities.

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Under the technical route of the vision of net zero emissions, the deployment of distributed photovoltaic power generation and energy storage facilities can still reduce the carbon emissions of electricity consumption of the public transportation system by 5.7% in the next 25 years.

TapTechNews attaches the paper link:
