Geoffrey Hinton to Serve as Advisor for CuspAI

TapTechNews June 19th, it was reported on Tuesday by Fortune magazine that Geoffrey Hinton, the Father of AI, has agreed to serve as a board advisor for the green materials startup CuspAI. He said, Humans will face many challenges in the next decade. Some of these challenges will be triggered by AI, and others can be solved through AI.

Geoffrey Hinton to Serve as Advisor for CuspAI_0

Hinton gave a relatively high evaluation of this startup, stating that the company and its mission left a deep impression on him. They use AI to speed up the new materials design process in order to address one of the most urgent challenges for humanity - climate change.

TapTechNews note: The CuspAI company was founded by Cambridge University. The company plans to use the functionality of a search engine to identify on-demand the characteristics required for new building materials to help people better discover them.

At the same time, CuspAI is also beginning to emerge and has received a $30 million (about 218 million yuan currently) seed round of financing. The company's co-founder and chief AI officer, Professor Max Welling, said, Imagine that a search engine can not only search for existing materials but also search for all potential molecules and materials that could be created.

Yann LeCun, the chief AI scientist at Meta, also said that Meta is planning to partner with CuspAI to accelerate the development of new carbon capture materials.
