Intel Announces Milestones of Intel18A-Based Processors

TapTechNews August 7th news, Intel announced that its two processors, PantherLake (for clients) and ClearwaterForest (for servers) based on Intel18A, have been powered on and can run the operating system less than 6 months after tape-out, and actual production will start in 2025.

For the external foundry products on the Intel18A process, Intel said that the chip of the first external customer will be taped out in the first half of 2025.

Intel18A is Intel's first RibbonFET transistor + PowerVia backside power supply technology node open to external customers; while PantherLake and ClearwaterForest are the successors of ArrowLake and SierraForest, respectively.

Intel Announces Milestones of Intel18A-Based Processors_0

Intel stated that the two processors, PantherLake and ClearwaterForest, can successfully boot the operating system without additional modifications, showing the health status of Intel18A's advanced process. In addition, the DDR memory performance of PantherLake has reached the target frequency.

In terms of ecological construction, Intel has provided the 1.0 official version of the PDK for Intel18A (TapTechNews note: Process Design Kit) to EDA and IP partners in July, and external customers can start the new product design based on the Intel18A process.
