Kunpeng Developer Ecosystem 5 Years of Growth and Future Outlook

TapTechNews July 12th news, during the Kunpeng Developer Creativity and Sharing Day - Guangdong Station event held today, Ma Haixu, Vice President of Huawei and President of the ICT Product Portfolio Management and Solution Department, delivered a speech stating that developers are the driving force for the Kunpeng to soar and the foundation for the prosperity and development of the Kunpeng ecosystem.

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Ma Haixu said that after 5 years of efforts, more than 6,000 partners have carried out in-depth cooperation with Kunpeng, and have cooperated to develop and certify more than 15,800 applications and solutions; from the initial few developers knowing about Kunpeng to now more than 3.2 million developers joining Kunpeng. Now, the Kunpeng ecosystem is moving from migration to native.

TapTechNews attached the full text of A Letter to Developers as follows:

In July 2019, Huawei released the computing industry strategy in Beijing, and then deeply realized that computing is an industry based on the ecosystem and requires strong support from the vast number of developers:

Only when enterprise developers make good use of Kunpeng can the digital and intelligent transformation be based on Kunpeng, surging forward with continuous innovation.

Only when college developers know how to use Kunpeng can the Kunpeng ecosystem gather talents, prosper and develop, and have a promising future.

We have formulated an ecological strategy of open hardware, open source software, enabling partners, and developing talents, and work together with everyone to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the Kunpeng industry. Focusing on the needs of the vast number of developers, we continue to innovate the root technologies and tool chains of Kunpeng basic software and hardware, continue to make strategic investments in the two open source systems of openEuler and openGauss, launch development toolkits such as DevKit and BoostKit, and provide efficient development tools for the vast number of developers. Continue to upgrade ecological activity platforms such as Kunpeng Community and Creativity and Sharing Day, and provide end-to-end and full-cycle support from understanding, joining, learning to contribution around the growth and advanced journey of developers. Huawei has also jointly built Intelligent Base with 72 universities and built industry-education and science-education talent cultivation bases with hundreds of universities and research institutions to vigorously cultivate innovative talents. In addition, through a series of Kunpeng developer plans, it provides policy and resource guarantees for the development of the ecosystem.

After 5 years of efforts, more than 6,000 partners have carried out in-depth cooperation with Kunpeng, and have cooperated to develop and certify more than 15,800 applications and solutions; from the initial few developers knowing about Kunpeng to now more than 3.2 million developers joining Kunpeng. The acceleration libraries, Kunpeng applications, and original knowledge sharing and other achievements created by developers are continuously flowing into the Kunpeng ecosystem!

Today, Kunpeng has been widely applied in many industries such as government, finance, power, and operators, and has become the first choice for the computing base of the digital infrastructure. All these are inseparable from the support and contribution of the vast number of developers. Special thanks to everyone!

Now, the Kunpeng ecosystem is moving from migration to native, and we will continue to adhere to the ecological strategy, provide developers with more accessible development resources, better development tools, and a growth system and incentive plan that is closer to the advanced journey of developers, and spare no effort to support developers in native Kunpeng development!

Every developer has the power to change the world with code. Developers are the driving force for the Kunpeng to soar and the foundation for the prosperity and development of the Kunpeng ecosystem! We are willing to join hands with every developer, work together, and create the future together!
