Xiaomi SU7Pro's Live Stream and Delivery Updates

TapTechNews May 18th news, at 8:30 this morning, Lei Jun officially started a live stream that lasted for three and a half hours, driving the newly debuted Xiaomi SU7Pro from near Century Avenue in Shanghai to Hangzhou.

Lei Jun mentioned in the live stream that the intelligent driving of the Xiaomi SU7 has only been delivered for 44 days, with an activation rate of 82.39% and a mileage of more than 1.61 million miles (about 2.58 million kilometers).

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In the live stream, Lei Jun said that the first vehicle delivery of the Xiaomi SU7Pro version will be started this afternoon in Beijing, and then it will be successively delivered to users in various cities (TapTechNews note: 12 days earlier than the original plan), which indirectly proves that the early production capacity climbing stage of the Xiaomi SU7 has been successfully passed.

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The data provided by Lei Jun shows that the Xiaomi SU7Pro has gone through a three-and-a-half-hour live stream from Shanghai to Hangzhou, involving urban areas and expressway sections, and the whole journey in urban areas with NOA + expressway NOA at a constant speed of 110 kilometers per hour.

There were 4 men on board during this live stream, plus the live streaming equipment, the estimated total load was 705.47-727.56 pounds (about 320-330 kilograms), and the actual consumption of the 109.98-mile (about 177 kilometers) journey consumed 217 kilometers of range, with a CLTC achievement rate of 81.6%, and a comprehensive energy consumption of 13.7 kWh per 62.14 miles (about 100 kilometers), and the CLTC achievement rate of the expressway part was about 74%.

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Lei Jun said that the delivery speed of the Xiaomi SU7Pro like this is believed to be very satisfactory to the car owners. Compared with the original planned delivery which is half a month earlier, this is not only an affirmation of the efficient collaboration of the Xiaomi car team, but also the best response to the expectations of users, so that Pro version users will be able to enjoy the driving pleasure brought by the new car earlier.
