Apple Adds 'Smart Song Transition' Feature to iOS18 and macOS15

TapTechNews May 22nd news, according to foreign media AppleInsider, Apple is adding a new feature called 'Smart Song Transition' to the AppleMusic player application for iOS18 and macOS15, claiming to be able to achieve smooth transitions between songs and get a'more intelligent song-switching experience'.

Currently, AppleMusic mainly creates a smooth song-switching effect through a function of 'cross-fading songs'. The relevant function mainly bridges the gap between songs by reducing the volume of the ending song and increasing the volume of the new song to create a transition while the music is not over.

For the macOS platform, users can freely configure the cross-fade duration (from 1 second to 12 seconds), but for the iOS platform, currently users cannot adjust it. It is expected that the 'Smart Song Transition' feature introduced in iOS18/macOS15 is mainly to make the 'cross-fading songs' intelligent, using an algorithm to intelligently judge the time of cross-fading between this song and the next song when a song is about to play to the next one.

Apple Adds 'Smart Song Transition' Feature to iOS18 and macOS15_0

Apple Adds 'Smart Song Transition' Feature to iOS18 and macOS15_1

Foreign media also said that Apple is currently developing a new feature called 'Passthrough' for AppleMusic and QuickTimePlayer. The relevant function is said to be related to Dolby Atmos/Spatial Audio, but the specific details are not yet known. TapTechNews will continue to follow up and report on possible changes in iOS18/macOS15.
