
Apple Improves SharePlay in iPadOS 18 for AppleMusic

This article reports on Apple's enhancement of SharePlay in iPadOS 18 for AppleMusic and its usage steps, with some limitations. Less than 150 characters.

Spotify Announces New 'Basic' Package After Price Hikes

Spotify introduces a new Basic subscription plan similar to AppleMusic's fee, with details on features and price changes.

Apple Music and Competitors in the US Market

Report on the popularity of Apple Music and other music streaming services in the US, with CIRP data.

Apple Adds 'Smart Song Transition' Feature to iOS18 and macOS15

Apple is introducing a new feature for AppleMusic in iOS18 and macOS15, and also developing a related function. TapTechNews to follow up.

AppleMusic Countdown Top 100 Albums Revealed in Ten-Day Event

Apple Music launches a special event to reveal the top 100 albums through a ten-day countdown, selecting the best records in history with a diverse mix of contemporary and classic artists.