Zhejiang Precision Learning Receives 28.5M USD Investment from Alibaba

TapTechNews May 29th news,A company named Zhejiang Precision Learning in China announced today that it has received nearly 200 million RMB (about 28.5 million US dollars) investment from Alibaba and the funds will be used for product research and development as well as promotion. The company's first native-generation AI-assisted learning machine, the Bong series, will be officially launched in June and is built based on Alibaba Cloud's Tongyi large model and virtual digital human technology.

Precision Learning was founded in January 2018. Based on the 'Precision Learning concept' of AI recommendation engine technology, it has previously established cooperation with thousands of domestic education and training schools including Shanghai Only, and is also a strategic partner of Xueersi and Gaosi Group.

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TapTechNews noted that the founder and CEO of Precision Learning, Yang Renbin, once served as the chief product manager of Taobao and was also the first product manager of 'Guess You Like' on Taobao.
