The Price of 'Black Myth Wukong' Revealed and Creators' Insights

TapTechNews May 19th news, after the announcement of the price of Black Myth: Wukong, the main creators of the game also successively posted articles talking about their recent mental journey.

Feng Ji, the founder, CEO of Game Science and the producer of Black Myth: Wukong said:

In the twinkling of an eye, there are only three months left before the fifth 820.

When opening the daily build version, it is still a mess everywhere. The BUG list is visibly increasing more and more, and the PM assigned me the urgent list, found it useless, and added super urgent.

But whenever I am extremely anxious and routinely procrastinating, when I look up, I find that there is a colleague playing the same version next to me, and he is really into it?

In the recent two years, I often suddenly notice in the company that there is a strange game running on a certain screen, the picture is not bad, and the battle is quite exciting. As a result, when I go over to take a look, I find that it is the Black Monkey... Who am I? Where am I? What to eat tonight?

Is this our monster? The skill animation is so cool, why was it still in a T-POSE when I saw it last time?

Is this our level? How come the light and shadow are so beautiful? I remember still complaining about being pitch-dark last week.

Is this our protagonist? When did this spell be added? This fighting style is so Journey to the West!

Over these years, I almost live in such a startle every day, feeling that the reputation and expectations relying on luck can't be fulfilled and it will be over, but also being moved by the real progress in my colleagues' work, and even often feeling surprised.

There is a saying in Silicon Valley, fake it until you make it.

I prefer a saying in Journey to the West - there is nothing difficult in the world, only those with a heart.

This does not mean that as long as there is a heart, any difficulty can be conquered.

But that with the heart to face difficulties, then the difficulties are not so terrifying, and in this way, life will be more down-to-earth.

Setting foot on the journey to obtain scriptures is more important than reaching Ling Mountain.

We are fortunate to have gained a lot of attention on this path, and more fortunate to have such a tenacious group of partners to travel with.

This year's 820, of course, we still have to fight.

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Yang Qi, the co-founder of Game Science and the art director of Black Myth: Wukong said:

The WeGame platform will be released simultaneously on 2024.08.20, and the pre-sale has not been opened yet. The wild team may still be staying up all night to change things the night before the final version... Many plans are not well thought out, and thank the teachers for their broad-mindedness over the years~

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According to TapTechNews' earlier report, the price of Black Myth: Wukong was officially revealed during the 2024 Tencent WeGame Game Night tonight: 268 yuan for the standard Chinese PC version, and it will be released simultaneously on the WeGame platform on August 20.
