Machdyne Launches Blaustahl USB Flash Drive with Long Lifespan

TapTechNews May 19th news, Machdyne from Germany has recently launched the Blaustahl USB flash drive, equipped with Raspberry Pi RP2040 MCU and 8 KB FRAM storage, with a lifespan of up to 200 years and a price of 29.95 euros (TapTechNews note: currently about 235 Chinese yuan).

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This USB flash drive provides the following configurations:

Main control: Raspberry Pi RP2040 (133 MHz dual-core Cortex-M0, 164 KB memory)

Storage: 8 KB FRAM (Fujitsu MB85RS64), 4 MB NOR flash memory for storing firmware

Interface: USB Type-A

Security: Supports encryption after firmware upgrade

Size: The main board is 30 x 16 mm, with a 3D-printed PLA shell

Others: Built-in text editor, blue LED light

According to the introduction, the FRAM memory has a lifespan of up to 200 years at 35°C and 95 years at 55°C, and can withstand 10¹² read and write cycles at 85°C.

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TapTechNews note: FRAM (Ferroelectric Random Access Memory), also known as FeRAM, uses a ferroelectric film as a capacitor to store data.
