Breakthrough in High-Altitude Wind Energy in China Wucha Wind Farm Starts Operation

TapTechNews August 3rd news, TapTechNews learned from CCTV News that today (3rd), the first batch of units of the Wucha Wind Farm, the wind farm with the highest altitude in Northwest China - officially put into operation in the Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, marking a breakthrough in China's wind energy development in high-altitude areas.

Breakthrough in High-Altitude Wind Energy in China Wucha Wind Farm Starts Operation_0

The Wucha Wind Farm is the westernmost wind farm in China, located on the Pamir Plateau, and the installation height of the wind turbines is between 2,800 meters to 3,300 meters above sea level. The first batch of 20 wind turbines has been put into operation, and the project will eventually build a total of 38 wind turbines with a total installed capacity of 200,000 kilowatts. According to Zhang Shigang, the chairman of the Xinjiang Company of Longyuan Power under the National Energy Group, after the project is fully put into operation by the end of this year, it can generate about 540 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, which can meet the annual living electricity needs of 300,000 local residents. At the same time, the construction and commissioning of this project ends the history of no wind power generation in the southern part of Xinjiang.

In terms of energy consumption, compared with the thermal power project with the same power generation, this project can save 164,800 tons of standard coal and about 654,100 tons of water every year.
