
TapTechNews August 3rd news, according to comprehensive reports from Shanghai Securities News and Interface News, the first batch of free shipping zones of Taobao's Global Free Shipping Plan for Large Apparel officially went online on August 2nd. It is introduced that Taobao Apparel attaches greater importance to the experience of overseas users this year and has increased its investment. The platform will provide postage subsidies to enable overseas consumers to also enjoy free shipping.

Users in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan regions and countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and South Korea, by opening the Taobao App, can see the entrance of the Apparel Free Shipping channel on the homepage. Subsequently, the Global Free Shipping Plan for Large Apparel plans to expand the zone from Asia to Australia by the end of this year.

Taobao will also issue apparel-exclusive coupons to permanent users in the above countries and regions. All users can receive one coupon each of minus 10 yuan for every 99 yuan and minus 50 yuan for every 249 yuan every day, supporting cross-store usage; starting from August 2nd, a limited number of minus 100 yuan for every 200 yuan large apparel full-reduction coupons will be issued every day, and consumers can receive coupons with a total value of up to 160 US dollars at most.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, in July this year, Taobao launched a brand new cross-border going overseas service for apparel merchants, named the Global Free Shipping Plan for Large Apparel, which has currently opened to more than 200+ countries and regions around the world, aiming to provide lower cross-border thresholds and higher overseas business growth for merchants and consumers, claiming that the platform provides hundreds of millions of dollars in postage subsidies, and merchants can join with zero threshold.

Related reading:

Taobao Launches the Global Free Shipping Plan for Large Apparel: 49 US dollars free shipping in Macau, 99 US dollars free shipping in Taiwan, China and Hong Kong.
