Huawei's Hongmeng Zhixing Updates and Future Outlook

TapTechNews June 1 news, at the 2024 Future Automobile Pioneer Conference held today, Yu Chengdong, Executive Director of Huawei, Chairman of Terminal BG, and Chairman of Intelligent Automobile Solution BU, revealed that the total sales volume of Hongmeng Zhixing as of May 19 this year is 134,000 units.

He said that May is a product adjustment period, and the replacement of the main sales product leads to a short-term decrease in sales. It is expected that sales will return to rapid growth in June.

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When asked whether it will cooperate with cooperative auto companies to build hardcore off-road models, Yu Chengdong revealed that it is currently being discussed internally. If a project is established, it will not follow the traditional style like the Mercedes-Benz G-Class square box, but will make differentiated and unique innovations and redefine hardcore off-road with new concepts.

In addition, a female audience member at the scene asked Yu Chengdong whether there will be a female-customized car. In this regard, he said: We will definitely meet the needs of women to the greatest extent, and hope to be able to make female users particularly like our colors, configurations, and functions.

When talking about the price war, Yu Chengdong said: Among intelligent electric connected vehicles now, the world's Number One (first) volume king should be BYD. Yu Chengdong further added that Hongmeng Zhixing is not good at rolling extremely low prices, but is good at rolling value, rolling intelligence, rolling luxury, comfort, and safety, especially in intelligence. It is hoped that the industry can roll value in a positive and benign cycle.

TapTechNews noticed that the new M7 Ultra of the WENJIE brand under Hongmeng Zhixing just went on the market last night (May 31), with a starting price of 289,800 yuan, and the number of large orders exceeded 6,000 units in 1 hour after its launch. The new M7 Ultra of the WENJIE brand aims to deliver 20,000 units in June and will start large-scale delivery on June 2.

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In addition, the first administrative-level flagship sedan of Hongmeng Zhixing, the Enjoy S9, also made its debut last night, debuting Huawei ADS 3.0 intelligent driving with a pre-sale price range of 450,000-550,000 yuan.

For more news about the new M7 Ultra and Enjoy S9 models, TapTechNews has previously reported in detail. Interested friends can check it out by themselves.

Related reading:

The new M7 Ultra of the WENJIE brand starts at 289,800 yuan: Available upon launch, with significant improvements in Huawei intelligent driving and chassis

Pre-sale price range of 450,000-550,000 yuan, the first administrative-level flagship sedan of Hongmeng Zhixing, the Enjoy S9, is released: Debuting Huawei ADS 3.0 intelligent driving
