
Xia Yiping's Views on Jia Yueting

Xia Yiping Comments on Jia Yueting's Concepts and Product Definition

China's Automobile Trade-in Program Update

Details on China's automobile trade-in initiative, including subsidy amounts, application process, and performance indicators. 150 characters or less.

GAC Group Chairman's Outlook on Future Auto Market Structure

Zeng Qinghong of GAC Group discusses the structure of the auto market by 2030 and the need for 'oil-electric equal rights', with implications for the industry.

Huawei's Hongmeng Zhixing Updates and Future Outlook

Huawei's Hongmeng Zhixing reports on sales, product adjustments, and new model debuts, with discussions on female-customized cars and industry competition. Read more for details.

Beijing Issues New Automobile Trade-in Subsidy Rules in 2024

Details of the 2024 Beijing Automobile Trade-in Subsidy Rules, including subsidy scope and amounts.

Xiangjie S9 The New Flagship Sedan from Hongmeng Zhixing

The Xiangjie S9, an administrative-class luxury sedan, is set to debut. It features unique design and advanced technology. Learn more about it here.

Rebirth of Volga Automobile Brand in Russia

The Volga automobile brand is reborn in Russia, with new models based on Changan Automobile. Learn about their features, production plans, and more.

Shenzhen Launches Automobile 'Replacement and Renewal' Subsidy Program

Details about Shenzhen's subsidy project for car 'eplacement and renewal', including subsidy amounts and requirements for recipients and vehicles. Less than 150 characters.

Xiaomi's Automobile Update June Double Shifts and Delivery Goals

Xiaomi founder Lei Jun shares car news, including June production and delivery targets, and the progress of sales and service network.

NIO and Xiaomi's Interaction, LeDao L60's Features

NIO's LeDao L60 gets attention as Lei Jun visits. Learn about its specs and more. Less than 150 characters.

Jilin Province to Implement Large-scale Equipment Upgrades and Consumer Goods Trading-in Plan

Jilin Province has issued a plan to promote large-scale equipment upgrades and trading-in of consumer goods, focusing on initiatives such as automobile and household appliance trading-in, aiming to improve sustainability and resource utilization.