Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption May Land on Subscription Platforms

TapTechNews May 19th news, data miner Timtendo12 recently posted on Reddit claiming that Rockstar quietly added relevant words like 'now available on PlayStation Plus Premium and Xbox GamePass subscription list' in the official page of the first Red Dead Redemption.

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Considering that recently Red Dead Redemption 2 has been added to the list of free games for Sony PS Plus+ in May, if the 'temporary worker' accidental error is excluded, the possibility of the first Red Dead Redemption landing on the above two subscription platforms in the near future is relatively high.

In addition, the previous Rockstar launcher website file also accidentally revealed that the first Red Dead Redemption and its zombie-themed expansion pack 'Undead Nightmare' are about to land on the PC platform, although the official has not responded to the relevant news so far.

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TapTechNews noticed that the updated version of Red Dead Redemption that landed on the PS4 and Switch platforms last year had an unsatisfactory evaluation and poor sales. Players naturally hope that the PC version can bring a more sincere upgrade. In recent years, the classic games under Rockstar do not seem to have received due attention. For example, the口碑糟糕的 'GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition' has not completely fixed many problems at the time of release so far.
