Latest News on Starfield and Doom Games

TapTechNews on May 19th, according to the overseas media WindowsCentral's reporter @JezCorden when interacting on the X platform, revealed the latest news of the games Starfield and Doom.

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When the blogger interacted with other bloggers, he revealed that the large DLC of Starfield will come later this year and sounds great, and the PlayStation console port version has not started to be developed, but it does not mean it is impossible.

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In addition, JezCorden also said that the next Doom work has a high probability of landing on the Sony PlayStation console platform.

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TapTechNews note: The previous work of the Doom series, Doom: Eternal, landed on the Stadia, Windows, Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms when it premiered in 2020, and at this time Bethesda had not yet been acquired by Microsoft.
