Fallout 76 to Get Free 'Skyline Valley' Expansion Pack

TapTechNews June 10th news, the multiplayer online role-playing game Fallout 76 under Bethesda is about to usher in the free expansion pack 'Skyline Valley', claiming to be the 'first map expansion pack ever', and will be launched on June 13th Beijing time.

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At the Xbox gaming showcase on Sunday, Bethesda announced the 'Skyline Valley' expansion pack. This DLC will for the first time expand the map to a new area called 'Shenandoah'. The trailer shows some of the upcoming content, and players will be able to explore the remains of Vault 63 and try to uncover the mystery of the fate of the vault dwellers. Of course, players will have to face various ghoul threats. TapTechNews noticed that there is also an easter egg left at the end of the trailer: starting from the beginning of next year, players will be able to actually play as a ghoul character!

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Fallout 76 encountered some bumps in the early days of its release, but just like other Bethesda games, through continuous updates, the game quality has been greatly improved. Like other Fallout series works, Fallout 76 has also seen a surge in the number of players with the airing of the PrimeVideo series. On the Steam platform alone, the number of concurrent players of the game has skyrocketed from 5,975 in March to 25,673 in April, an increase of nearly five times.

The 'Skyline Valley' expansion pack will be provided free of charge to all Fallout 76 players on all platforms and will be launched on June 13th Beijing time.
