The Appeal of AI Phones in the Chinese Mainland Market

TapTechNews June 21st news, Canalys released a report on "The Appeal of AI Phones to Chinese Consumers". The report pointed out that the Chinese mainland market shows unique value and competitive environment on the AI phone track, benefiting from the high-end user base and market barriers.

On the market foundation side, the Chinese mainland is the first region to adopt AI phones, and manufacturers such as Xiaomi and vivo launched AI phones in the fourth quarter of 2023. In the first quarter of 2024, the Chinese mainland market relied on the first-mover advantage and market high-end structure as a local manufacturer, and the AI phone shipments reached 11.9 million units, accounting for 25% of global AI phone shipments.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, the report released by Canalys at the end of May showed that 16% of global smartphone shipments in 2024 are AI phones, and it is expected to reach 54% by 2028.

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On the basis of the development of the generative large model, the Chinese mainland market has a huge and irreplaceable data volume, which is crucial for the training, optimization, and iteration of the large model; on the other hand, due to the Chinese language and local regulations, the AI deployment model of manufacturers in the Chinese mainland market shows a two-track pattern compared to the overseas market.

The report also mentioned that the Chinese mainland is the market with the strongest AI interest tendency among the top three global smartphone markets, and the Chinese mainland consumers showed a more open attitude towards new technologies in the survey.

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