Microsoft Brings New 'CustomTone' Feature to Teams' Copilot

On June 21, TapTechNews reported that Microsoft today brought a new feature called CustomTone to the Copilot writing function in Teams. Users can input prompt words to rewrite the specified paragraph content according to the requirements, making the wording clearer and more compelling.

Microsoft said that users can freely ask Copilot to modify the expressions. For example, they can make a certain paragraph more persuasive, add the user's emotions, or break long sentences into lists, etc., so that users can use Copilot to rewrite the content completely according to their own wishes. TapTechNews attached an animated gif as follows:

The CustomTone function also supports users to input open-ended prompt words and translate the information into another language while having emotions and tones. For example, users can input the prompt word: Expand this passage and translate it into Spanish in a more cheerful tone.
