Huawei Launches Limited-Time Memory Upgrade Discount Activity

TapTechNews June 15th news, Huawei yesterday launched a limited-time discount activity for memory upgrades. From June 14th, 2024 to October 31st, when participating in memory upgrades (including RAM and storage space), an 8.8 discount can be enjoyed on the basis of the promotional price, starting from only $70 (about 492 Chinese Yuan).

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TapTechNews Note: Taking the memory upgrade of the P50 8GB RAM + 256GB storage space mobile phone as an example, the strikethrough price in the limited-time promotional price table refers to the activity price when participating in the memory upgrade service from April 1st, 2024 to June 13th, 2024, and the non-strikethrough price refers to the limited-time promotional price when participating in the memory upgrade service from June 14th, 2024 to October 31st, 2024.

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Participation Steps

Online purchase of service: After placing an order in the Huawei Mall, it is necessary to go to the Huawei Customer Service Center to participate in the Memory Upgrade activity.

In-store repair

Huawei stated that for the devices participating in the memory upgrade, it will be sent to the advanced repair center by the service store and upgraded with professional equipment. Due to the influence of logistics transportation factors, it takes about 10 days on average; after the storage memory is upgraded, the official website of the Huawei Consumer Business Service / my Huawei App / the WeChat mini-program of Huawei Terminal Customer Service / Service App still shows the original storage memory, and the display information will not be updated.
