Apple to Unveil iOS18 with AI-Driven Features at WWDC

TapTechNews May 31st news, Apple will introduce iOS18 in the keynote speech of the WWDC conference on June 11th. This version of the system is said to have multiple functions driven by AI. Referring to the previous TapTechNews report, iOS18 is expected to improve the Siri voice assistant and add features such as a system application summary function/automatic mail reply.

 Apple to Unveil iOS18 with AI-Driven Features at WWDC_0

However, Mark Gurman of Bloomberg claimed today that it is expected that Apple will not introduce the improved Siri in the first official version of iOS18 to be launched in September. The related functions are expected to be officially launched only in the iOS18.1/18.2 version in 2025.

TapTechNews attaches the following currently known major upgrade points of Siri:

Increased response ability: The new intelligent reply framework will significantly enhance the response generation ability of Siri. This framework can take into account information such as contacts, companies, schedules, locations, dates, etc., making the reply more accurate and appropriate.

More natural voice: The improved text-to-speech function will make Siri's voice sound more natural.

Cross-device media control: Users can control the media playback on another device through Siri on one device, such as controlling Apple TV through Apple Watch. However, it is reported that this function will be launched later in 2024.

Information summary: Users can quickly obtain an overview of recent notifications through Siri.

Related Readings:

Apple's iOS18 AI features more details exposed: Siri is smarter and can answer math questions

iPhone encounters artificial intelligence: The news said Apple has officially reached an agreement with OpenAI and iOS18 uses ChatGPT
