Apple to Enhance Compatibility for Third-Party Displays and Batteries in 2024

TapTechNews June 26 news, Apple today released a white paper outlining the company's policies on device repairability and durability. Apple disclosed in it that the iPhone will "better support third-party displays and batteries" in late 2024.

 Apple to Enhance Compatibility for Third-Party Displays and Batteries in 2024_0

Firstly, Apple said that the TrueTone feature will be compatible with third-party iPhone displays later this year:

The TrueTone feature needs to be calibrated to work properly. Since default calibration cannot be set for third-party displays, this may lead to unanticipated situations. Therefore, when using a third-party display, the TrueTone feature is defaulted to being disabled, but other functions of the display can be used normally.

In order to more comprehensively support third-party accessories, starting from late 2024, Apple will allow consumers to activate the TrueTone when using third-party components to achieve the best performance. If the display effect is not good, users can turn off the TrueTone in the settings.

Secondly, Apple said that the battery health data (TapTechNews note: mainly the maximum capacity and the number of cycles) will be compatible with third-party batteries later this year:

Currently, devices using third-party batteries cannot display battery health data to users, such as the maximum capacity and the number of cycles. This is because Apple cannot verify the accuracy of these data. In fact, an internal analysis by Apple found that some third-party batteries that are advertised as new are actually refurbished, and the battery health data is tampered with to look like new.

In order to improve the support for third-party batteries, starting from late 2024, Apple will display the battery health data and will remind that this information has not been verified by Apple.
