Apple to Migrate 'Check Safe' Feature to watchOS11

TapTechNews June 20th news, Apple introduced the 'Check Safe' feature in the iOS17 system last year and integrated CheckIn in iMessage. Now Apple plans to migrate it to the watchOS11 system.

TapTechNews note: The CheckIn in the watchOS11 system is similar to Garmin's LiveTrack function, which can display the wearer's location in real time during activities so that friends and family can keep track of their progress at any time.

After the introduction of CheckIn in watchOS11, AppleWatch users can also let their relatives/friends know that they have successfully completed the exercise.

Like the iPhone, in watchOS11, AppleWatch users can start CheckIn in Messages, but this function can also be used in the Workout application.

Apple to Migrate Check Safe' Feature to watchOS11_0

After the AppleWatch wearer starts exercising, sliding to the right will show a new CheckIn option. If the user decides to walk home after dark, go for a run early in the morning, etc., they can notify others that they have started exercising, and after the end of the exercise, CheckIn will notify the other party.

If the user has an unexpected situation or is delayed by something , the CheckIn function will automatically notify your family/friends that you have not arrived as expected and tell them your location (if any), the route you have taken, and the battery level and phone service of your iPhone for subsequent contact.
