Nintendo Confirms No Plan to Use Generative AI in Future Game Development

TapTechNews July 3rd, it was reported by tech4gamers that Nintendo announced in a recent Q&A with investors that the company has confirmed it has no plans to use generative AI in future game development.

When talking with investors in the Q&A session, Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa said: Although the recently much-talked-about generative AI can achieve more creative content, on the other hand, I also recognize that there are issues such as intellectual property rights..

He also mentioned: Our company has accumulated expertise in continuously creating the best gaming experience for customers in the past decades. We will continue to respond to the development of technology with a flexible attitude, while also hoping to be able to continue to provide a unique value that only our company can create, not just relying on the technology itself..

According to a previous TapTechNews report, in order to prevent the upcoming Switch sequel from being snapped up by scalpers, Nintendo said it would ensure sufficient production capacity to meet the needs of consumers.

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Nintendo confirmed in May this year that it will announce its next-generation console in this fiscal year, which means that the sequel to the Switch will be released at the latest by the end of March 2025.
