GAC Honda Starts Recruiting Volunteers for Resignation in China Due to Sluggish Sales

Thank you for the tip-off from TapTechNews user Xichuang Jiu Shi! TapTechNews reported on May 15 that due to sluggish sales in China, GAC Honda has started to recruit volunteers for resignation among its formal employees, involving about 1700 employees engaged in production at the factory, accounting for 14% of the total number of the joint venture company.GAC Honda confirmed to interface news about this matter, and received a positive response: the recruitment has just started, employees can propose on their own will, GAC Honda will compensate employees in accordance with laws and regulations, and the specific compensation plan has not been determined at the moment.The planning of not renewing expiring labor contracts and voluntarily negotiating the termination of labor contracts is to accelerate GAC Honda's transformation of new energy strategy, and production will be adjusted along with the reduction of the production team, but there is no clear plan for specific production adjustments at the moment.According to reports, after setting a historical sales record in 2020, Honda's sales in China have declined for three consecutive years, from 1.5615 million vehicles in 2021 to 1.2342 million vehicles in 2023, with GAC Honda's sales dropping from 780,000 vehicles to less than 650,000 vehicles, and the annual decline rate continues to widen. Due to the continuous decline in sales, it is reported that Honda plans to reduce its sales target in China by 13% to 1.06 million vehicles this year.According to previous reports by TapTechNews, Honda launched a new brand Ye in China last month. According to the plan, the Ye brand will introduce 6 electric vehicles by 2027. Among them, Ye GT is still a concept car, P7 will be produced by GAC Honda, and S7 will be produced by Dongfeng Honda, and will be launched by the end of the year.