Apple's Vehicle Motion Alert Function Now Available on iOS/iPadOS 18

TapTechNews June 11th news, the Vehicle Motion Alert auxiliary function released by Apple in May has now been launched on the first developer beta version of iOS/iPadOS 18.

The Vehicle Motion Alert will display animated dots on the edge of the screen, representing changes in vehicle movement to help reduce sensory conflicts while not interfering with the main display content, which can help riders reduce motion sickness. (Note: In the US, we usually use the term 'otion sickness' instead of 'carsickness').

Apples Vehicle Motion Alert Function Now Available on iOS/iPadOS 18_0

The Vehicle Motion Alert function uses the built-in sensors of iPhone and iPad to identify whether the user is in a moving vehicle and gives corresponding feedback. This function can be set to auto-display on the iPhone or can be turned on and off in the Control Center.

Apples Vehicle Motion Alert Function Now Available on iOS/iPadOS 18_1

According to Apple, research has shown that motion sickness is usually caused by sensory conflicts between what people see and what they actually feel.

TapTechNews attaches the following methods to enable the Vehicle Motion Alert function:

Settings -> Accessibility -> Dynamic Effects -> Show Vehicle Motion Alert

Apples Vehicle Motion Alert Function Now Available on iOS/iPadOS 18_2

Apples Vehicle Motion Alert Function Now Available on iOS/iPadOS 18_3

Related reading:

Apple Announces New Auxiliary Functions, Including Eye Tracking, Music Haptics, and Voice Shortcuts

Apple WWDC24 Developer Conference Keynote Special
