Xiaomi SU7 Car's Delivery Milestone

TapTechNews June 28th, the blogger @Sun Shaojun09 revealed today that as of today, Xiaomi SU7 car's monthly delivery volume has exceeded 10,000 for the first time this month.

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In comparison, the Xiaomi SU7 car delivered 8630 units in May and 7058 units in April. The official had disclosed in May that it would start double-shift production in June and ensure 10,000 units of monthly delivery, and now the relevant goal has been achieved.

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Referring to TapTechNews' previous report, Xiaomi Automobile claimed on June 14th that as of June 13th, the cumulative delivery of Xiaomi SU7 has exceeded 20,000 units, and it will ensure the delivery of 100,000 units throughout the year and strive for 120,000 units.

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