Tesla to Raise Model 3 Price in EU due to Tariff Policy

TapTechNews June 13th news, Tesla has just announced: Due to the tariff policy that the European Union is about to implement, it is expected to raise the price of the Model 3 cars made in China and sold in the European Union starting from July 1, 2024.

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Currently, the price of the Model 3 rear-wheel drive version sold on the Tesla Germany official website is 40,990 euros (TapTechNews note: currently about 43,000 US dollars), the long-range version is 49,990 euros (currently about 57,000 US dollars), and the all-wheel drive performance version is 56,990 euros (currently about 65,000 US dollars).

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As a reference, the Tesla Model 3 sold in China is from 23,190 yuan to 33,590 yuan (about 3,100 US dollars to 4,500 US dollars).

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