OnePlus 12 Gets Android 15 Developer Preview Program with Repair Mode

TapTechNews May 22nd news, OnePlus launched the Android 15 Developer Preview Program for the OnePlus 12 phone on May 14th, and the relevant version brought the same 'Repair Mode' as the Pixel phone to the system.

OnePlus 12 Gets Android 15 Developer Preview Program with Repair Mode_0

It is introduced that Google introduced the 'Repair Mode' for the Pixel phone in October last year. When the relevant mode is enabled, the phone will run a 'newly installed system' with a 'new user account', and the previous user's data will be encrypted and retained on the device. This function is mainly applicable to the mobile phone repair scenario to facilitate hiding the user's personal information.

TapTechNews attaches the introduction of the Android 15 Developer Preview Program for the OnePlus 12 phone as follows. Interested friends can click the original text to get the specific upgrade method:

The OnePlus 12 Android 15 Beta is a system based on Google Android 15 Beta development.

The Android 15 Developer Preview version will adapt to the latest Google GMS package, and the native functional applications that repeat with the GMS package will no longer be retained.

After upgrading to Android 15 Beta, the phone storage will be formatted, and all data including music and pictures will be cleared. Please back up the data in advance for developers.

The OnePlus 12 version needs to be or below to be upgraded to Android 15 Beta. Versions above cannot be upgraded to Android 15 Beta. Please downgrade and then upgrade through this flashing method.
