Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Releases New Opinions to Optimize Business Environment for Information and Communication Industry

TapTechNews August 6th news, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology today released the Opinions on Innovating Information and Communication Industry Management and Optimizing the Business Environment (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions).

The Opinions focus on comprehensively deepening the reform and innovation of industry management, further improving rules, standardizing management, and optimizing services to optimize the development environment of information and communication enterprises.

First, systematically sort out the previous management practices, comprehensively summarize the practical cases and innovative measures in the aspects of market access, market competition, administrative law enforcement, and technical means in recent years, solidify them into working mechanisms and promote them nationwide to continuously improve the efficiency of industry management.

Second, actively respond to the demands of industry development. After in-depth research and demonstration for various policy demands reflected by information and communication enterprises, corresponding measures are proposed to further break the institutional and mechanism obstacles that restrict the operation and development of enterprises.

Third, systematically promote the construction of the industry's business environment, and comprehensively deploy the specific tasks of reform and innovation from the four dimensions of access, competition, supervision, and service.

The Opinions put forward 12 key tasks in 4 aspects.

One is to continuously optimize an efficient, open and unified access environment. Optimize market access management, realize one-time application and one-stop approval for new technologies and new applications involving multiple types of telecommunications services, orderly carry out self-inspection and self-certification pilots for telecommunications equipment network access licenses, and fully deepen the application of electronic licenses. Strengthen the support for innovation and development, carry out commercial pilots of new types of telecommunications services in a coordinated manner, and increase policy support for the innovation and development of new technologies and new businesses. Expand the opening of telecommunications services, further pilot the expansion of the opening of value-added telecommunications services to foreign investment, and further promote the opening of telecommunications services to private capital.

Two is to actively create a healthy, fair and orderly competitive environment. Improve the rules of fair market competition, improve the regulatory system rules of the information and communication market order, and strengthen the fair competition review of policy documents. Maintain a good competitive order in the market, establish and improve the basic telecommunications market competition supervision mechanism, and create an industry ecosystem of fair competition and open sharing. Deepen the collaborative governance of industry organizations, guide third-party organizations such as industry associations to establish a pre-treatment mechanism for market disputes, and promote the formation of an industry atmosphere of fair and orderly development.

Three is to further create a regulated, transparent and predictable regulatory environment. Innovate inclusive and prudent regulatory methods, promote the implementation of a new industry management model of pre-credit commitment, in-process credit classification supervision, and post-credit restoration, and popularize flexible regulatory means such as administrative guidance and administrative interviews. Build a network-based supervision regulatory capacity, promote the iterative upgrade of existing technical regulatory capabilities, implement remote supervision and online supervision methods to further improve regulatory efficiency. Strictly regulate administrative regulatory law enforcement, implement the three systems of administrative law enforcement, strengthen comprehensive supervision, and promote the sharing and mutual recognition of supervision information and law enforcement cooperation.

Four is to focus on building a convenient, reliable and high-quality service environment. Improve the level of one-stop handling of government services, and continuously improve service capabilities around efficiently handling one thing. Speed up the online handling and off-site handling of telecommunications services, and optimize the broadband installation service. Carry out technical research and pilot applications of computing power interconnection and interoperability, build a smart computing ecosystem, promote the high-quality development of the industrial Internet, and better serve and support the construction of new industrialization.

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