Xingji Meizu Becomes BLG Esports Club Title Sponsor,Will Launch Smart EV

TapTechNews June 21st news, yesterday, the Xingji Meizu Group officially announced that it officially became the title sponsor of the BLG esports club.

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On June 20th, Xingji Meizu and Hero Sports VSPO held a strategic signing ceremony. At the ceremony site, Xingji Meizu announced that it will title sponsor the BLG esports club, and the BLG League of Legends division will also help Xingji Meizu and its sub-brands increase their influence among the esports crowd through IP licensing, fan activities, and co-branded products.

In addition, Xingji Meizu will launch its first smart electric vehicle product based on the newly emerged product customization ecosystem derived from esports.

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As TapTechNews reported before, the Meizu Infinite Mobility official website briefly showed that the first model under Meizu will be named Meizu MX. This model will use the FlymeAuto full-case intelligent vehicle system.

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Last November, the Meizu brand announced its official entry into the car market and will create a dedicated DreamCar for Meizu fans. This car will be based on the SEA architecture and Geely's industrial 4.0 manufacturing capacity. In addition, all users who buy the Meizu 21 can directly deduct the original price of the phone when buying a car, which is equivalent to getting a phone when buying a car.

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